Sunday, 5 October 2008

Twelve apostles

Took a trip down the Great Ocean Road in Victoria to see the twelve apostles, except there are only eight left now. The view is even better than the view of the city from Occupation Lane!

Dear Danny...

Dorothy of Voce Road asks...

Dear Danny. The credit crunch is really beginning to bite. I am a pensioner and during the current cold weather snap I feel unable to turn on the heating because of rising gas bills. What can you do about it?

Well Dorothy, get your thongs and boardies on and go down the beach. Plenty of sun will help you banish those winter blues away. Don't forget your sunscreen though - splish splash splosh!

Around the blogs

Seems I've created a bit of a stir with some bloggers back home...

Nice to be so popular!

Hello possums!

Just been out trawling the bars in Sydney and look who I met - one of my all time fave Aussie heroines Dame Edna Everage. She introduced me to her son Kenny who showed me all the top nightspots. Wicked!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Watersports are fun

I couldn't be in Oz without trying my hand at that great Aussie pastime of surfing, and I don't mean the internet either. Looks like I'm a natural - can't wait to show off my skills on the Thames when I get back!

Dear Danny...

Bruce of Plum Lane asks...

Dear Danny. I am a council tenant and whilst on the toilet the other day this creature came up through the bowl and bit me on the backside. What can you do about it?

Well Bruce, relax its just a deadly poisonous funnel web spider from Down Under - probably hitched a lift with me last time I returned to the Old Country. Just ask Council Pest Control Services to deal with it: they'll send Maureen O'Mara round with a can of spray in a few months time!!! Just joking our Council services are top notch...really. Putting another shrimp on the barbie for you.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Swimming with sharks

No, not the Greenwich Labour Party, ha ha, but I took the chance to go swimming with some of the locals. Check out the picture. Although the resemblance to Tony and Cherie Blair is uncanny

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Danny in the news yet again

The Bexley Times has been interested in my latest trip to the UK

Did deputy leader ‘pay for’ absent councillor’s plane ticket home?
01 October 2008

THE deputy leader of a council paid for a young councillor to fly back from a year-long trip to Australia so he could attend a last-minute meeting, it has been claimed.

Greenwich council's Deputy Leader, Peter Brooks, allegedly paid the air fare of Shooters Hill councillor Danny Thorpe for an 'extra' meeting on September 16, thought to be scheduled to avoid a by-election.

Mr Thorpe, 26, could have been ejected from his seat for missing nearly six months of meetings, as reported in the Times.

According to a source, Mr Brooks paid for his flight back to attend the meeting and Mr Thorpe returned to Sydney less than a week later where he lives with his partner and has a full-time job.

When asked, Thamesmead Moorings councillor Mr Brooks did not deny he paid the air fare. He said: "I don't wish to get into a debate on this.

"I see it is of no importance to your readers who paid the bill as long it was not taxpayers' money, which I have said in my statement that it was not."

The initial statement he sent read: "The challenge facing all political parties in selecting young people is that their lives are still changing and developing. Accordingly the drop out rate among young people in local government is desperately high."His wish to remain a member of the council and to continue as a young person in public life was demonstrated by his commitment to return to London to ensure he could continue in this capacity when his travel opportunity concludes in the next few months. He intends to return and continue to carry on his work as a councillor. In the meantime, modern communications mean that he is in regular touch with the leader of the council and with his co-councillors on matters of concern to his constituents."

Greenwich council insisted that Mr Thorpe offered to resign before emigrating to Australia for a year, but the leader of the council, Chris Roberts, personally intervened and asked him to remain in office.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

A trip to the middle of nowhere

A bit like John Fahy, it's big, old, red and miles away from civilisation - yes it's Uluru. And me. Isn't Australia fab - so many things to do and see. Hope all is well at home. Danny x